f3a57b225ad3b8c1b6c041717a8521de999531d5543f4adee8446ee2c5966aef Electric Coffee Lab |About https://static.wixstatic.com/media/ce331c_4d4306c23ded42499f75e0ef76b50ad8~mv2.png
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About Us

Like so many businesses, Electric Coffee Lab was started based on an accidental discovery of a product that can really change the world. The coffee world, that is....

Our Founder, while looking for a coffee option for a bagel factory, came upon the ultimate coffee roasting mechanism. With this new concept, Electric Coffee Lab was born. Our goals include, delivering the highest quality roasted coffee beans, custom roasting and more. Sustainability and fair wages are a big part of sourcing farms and locations from our suppliers.  We strive to bring you the best in fresh roasted coffee beans. What can the "Lab" do for you...?​

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